NEW: A blog on stories and software!
About Larry at work: Resume and Consulting
I am in Hamburg Germany these days, working on an undisclosed, original IP game!
In between full-time jobs, I offer consulting, training courses and technical writing in
system architecture; metrics; automated testing, online games,
simulation, and parallel computation.
Bibliography: test-driven development, building games and scalable simulations
About Larry: outside of work
I am a Canadian transplant, living the past fifteen years in the San Francisco Bay Area; a science fiction bookworm by type and a computer scientist by trade. I have traveled around the world via wrestling, rugby and Ultimate Frisbee tournaments, then I mellowed out into modern dance, Tai Chi and gardening. By working my way through school as a research programmer and tutor, I was able to learn from national lab level talent in coding while surfing all the academic fields the university offered. I find great clarity in the writing process, so a lot of my free time goes into alternate history, science fiction projects, storytelling mechanics for games, technical writings on the innovation process and conference lectures.
Here are some sample pictures from our home renovation and garden projects!
Click here for more garden and renovation pictures, including the process we used to do them.

Aurora Borealis picture by